"Architecture," by Kristin A. Kuckelman
Figure 1. Aerial photograph
of Yellow Jacket Pueblo, showing locations of possible Chacoan roads.
Figure 2. Reconstruction
of the great tower complex (Architectural Block 1200) at Yellow Jacket
Figure 3. West walls
of Structure 1201, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman
Figure 1. Correlation
between the deposition of corrugated gray sherds and chipped-stone debris,
Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 2. Corrugated
gray sherd deposition vs. occupation span, Site Testing Program.
Figure 3. Corrugated
gray sherd deposition vs. modified occupation span, Site Testing Program.
Figure 4. "Seriation"
of block-level pottery assemblages, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 5. Comparison
of tree-ring-dated components and correspondence analysis results, calibration
data set sites.
Figure 6. Weighted phase
probability distributions for pottery types in the calibration data set.
Figure 7. Weighted phase
probability distributions for pottery-design attributes in the calibration
data set.
Figure 8. Comparison
of tree-ring data and the results of probability-density analysis, calibration
data set sites.
Figure 9. Areas of Occupation,
A.D. 10601140, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 10. Areas of Occupation,
A.D. 11801260, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 11. Areas of Occupation,
A.D. 12601280, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 12. Rim-radius
measurements of white ware bowls, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 13. Rim-radius
measurements of corrugated gray jars, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 14. Summary of
flare measurements of corrugated gray jar rims, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 15. Summary of
flare measurements of corrugated gray jar rims by vessel size and context
group, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 16. Pottery-production
evidence by architectural block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 17. Pottery-production
evidence, Architectural Block 1200 excluded, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 18. Summary of
long-distance pottery exchange, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 19. Chipped-stone
debris with cortex, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 20. Flake-size
distributions, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
Figure 21. Artifact frequencies
across architectural block assemblages, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.
"Faunal Remains," by Robert J. Muir
and Jonathan C. Driver
Figure 1. Cumulative frequency
graph comparing the relative abundance of artiodactyls, turkey, and lagomorph
remains, Yellow Jacket Pueblo.