Crow Canyon celebrates 40 years of research, innovation, and collaboration!
Join us in the celebration of this milestone commemorating 40 years of partnership, collaboration, and support. We are deeply grateful to the Crow Canyon community for the kindness and generosity that allows us to celebrate, appreciate, and reciprocate the wisdom and perspective we have received from Indigenous people, communities, and cultures. As we look ahead, we eagerly accept the responsibility and challenge to embark on a future that optimizes our unique gifts in service to humanity.

Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Check back often as items are regularly being added

Join us for Crow Canyon’s 40th Anniversary Conference
October 11–15, 2023
Conference Opener: Joy Harjo, Muscogee Nation, Poet Laureate (2019–2022)
- Local field trips discussing current Crow Canyon lab and field research projects
- Presentations and campus tours focused on archaeology and experiential education
- Native American demonstrations of traditional skills and arts
- Panel discussions about Crow Canyon’s past, present, and future

Friday October 13, 2023
Featured Speaker: Dr. Lyla June Johnston (aka Lyla June)
Dr. Lyla June Johnston (aka Lyla June) is an Indigenous musician, scholar, and community organizer of Diné (Navajo), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne) and European lineages.

Where were you in Crow Canyon’s history?
We invite you to share memories of your Crow Canyon experience and the impact it had on your personal and professional lives.
- Click here for a link to the survey

Learn more about our history
- Tune into the first Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. MT for a webinar that focuses on a key theme highlighting Crow Canyon’s collaborative work.
- Click here to read a brief history of Crow Canyon
- Click here for a visual timeline taking you through Crow Canyon’s history and milestones

Research, Education, and American Indian Partnerships at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
To celebrate Crow Canyon’s 40th anniversary year, this volume celebrates and examines the Center’s past, present, and future by providing a summary of its origins and highlighting key accomplishments in research, education, and American Indian initiatives over the past four decades.
Edited by Dr. Susan Ryan, this publication contains chapters written by many contributing authors who are deeply familiar with the Center and who provide insights on projects that focused on community and regional settlement patterns, human-environment relationships, public education pedagogy, and collaborative partnerships with Indigenous communities.
Hardcovers will be available to purchase in August from the University of Colorado Press. Preorder now using the 40% discount code: RYAN23
An open access edition will be made possible with the generous support from the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center King Family Fund and subvention supported in part by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center and the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society.