Experiential Education Programs for School Groups
Contact us for availability and scheduling.
At the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, we believe that the goal of education is to give students the intellectual tools they need to explore the world and think critically. We also believe that the optimal educational environment encourages students to actively participate in the learning process through hands-on activities and group discussion.
Crow Canyon’s one-day field trips for school groups are designed for students in grades 4 through 12. Program modules vary depending on grade level, and group size, but core activities teach students about archaeology, Ancestral Pueblo history, the scientific process, and the complex interactions between people and their environments.
The Crow Canyon curriculum:
- Based on the belief that there are many ways of knowing the past.
- Articulates with national and state curriculum standards.
- Allows students to “experience the past” through hands-on activities at our Pithouse and Pueblo Learning Centers, which replicate Pueblo settlements during the eighth and twelfth centuries A.D.
- Developed in consultation with Pueblo people and other Indigenous peoples to ensure that what we teach is accurate, respectful, and mindful of the connections between past and present.
Contact Us
- Programs may be impacted by COVID-19. Contact us for availability and scheduling.
- Join us every Thursday at 4:00 p.m. for the Discover Archaeology webinar series.
- Check out our blog for recent news and updates.
- 800.422.8975, ext. 455
- M-F, 8a.m. to 5p.m.
- schoolgroups@crowcanyon.org
Pueblo History and Lifestyles
Morning Activity (until noon)
Windows or Inquiries Into the Past: Students learn about the different periods in Pueblo history by examining artifacts and other archaeological clues. Then they use observation and inference to construct a cultural chronology spanning thousands of years. (Windows for elementary students; Inquiries for middle and high school students.)
– Lunch: noon–12:45 p.m.
– Afternoon Activity (1:30–about 4:30 p.m.)
Basketmaker and/or Pueblo Lifestyles: Students “experience” the past at one or both of our learning centers, life-size replicas of ancient dwellings. Hands-on activities include starting a fire with a bow drill, making cordage from yucca fiber, and weaving on an upright loom.
Please note that the specific activities in which a given group participates depends on grade level, program length, group size, weather conditions, and other factors. Activities can be modified to accommodate the cultural concerns of American Indian students.
Plan to arrive on campus between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. and to depart late afternoon. Exact times depend on your transportation schedule.
Tuition varies, and scholarships are available for local and American Indian schools. Please contact our Engagement Coordinator for more information.
What to Bring
Students and chaperons should bring sack lunches and full water bottles; Crow Canyon has indoor and outdoor spaces for eating.
Dress for outdoor activities in season-appropriate clothing. Comfortable shoes or hiking boots, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are recommended.
The Crow Canyon Archaeological Center’s programs and admission practices are open to applicants of any race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, or sexual orientation.
Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California CST 2059347-50

Learning Centers
Students “experience” another time and culture in replica Pueblo Indian structures on the Crow Canyon campus.

Daytime Activities
Students actively participate in the learning process through hands-on activities and group discussion.

Our Campus
The Crow Canyon Archaeological Center is located on a beautiful 170-acre campus in southwest Colorado, close to Mesa Verde National Park and the town of Cortez.