A publicly accessible and secure digital archive of the Basketmaker Communities Project, an essential component of historic preservation and project planning.
Legacy Projects
Crow Canyon’s legacy was built on the idea that the public could play an integral role in advancing knowledge of the human experience.

A regional research project that examined the development and depopulation of Ancestral Pueblo communities in the Mesa Verde archaeological region from A.D. 900 to 1300, incorporating data gathered at the residential, community, and regional levels.

Builds on preceding community studies of the A.D. 1200s and involves excavations at the large village of Goodman Point Pueblo and surrounding smaller sites.

An award-winning multidisciplinary collaboration among researchers at several different institutions to study the interaction between Ancestral Pueblo people and their environment over more than a thousand years, beginning in A.D. 600.

A K–12 curriculum integrating project-based, interdisciplinary, STEAM, and experiential learning in the classroom, in the field, and online. Students gain an appreciation for the natural and cultural diversity that has played such an important role in regional, state, and national history.

Crow Canyon’s research at Yellow Jacket Pueblo (Site 5MT5) was conducted as part of the Village Testing Project to better understand regional settlement patterns.

A ten-year project exploring settlement studies in the Sand Canyon locality, focusing on the A.D. 1000–1290 period.

A project dedicated to the collection of detailed surfacial information about Pueblo II–III villages outside the Sand Canyon locality.

A four-year testing project focused on the the historic development of the village and the associated community.

A multi-faceted research and public education archaeological initiative focused on the history and social organization of a large Basketmaker III period (A.D. 500–750) settlement in the central Mesa Verde region.

The Duckfoot site investigation was the first major research project to be undertaken by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.

A two-year test excavation project to further our understanding of community development during the Pueblo II and Pueblo III periods.

A testing project designed to complement the Center’s earlier research in the nearby Sand Canyon locality.

Shields Pueblo contributed to our understanding of the nature and timing of population aggregation in the central Mesa Verde region.

A four-year project focused on the conditions of regional depopulation in the late 1200s.