Learn About Archaeology
Learn About Archaeology
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Archaeology is the scientific study of the material remains of past human societies. It is one of four subfields of anthropology, or the study of humans. The other three are physical anthropology (the study of human evolution and biological diversity), cultural anthropology (the study of living cultures), and linguistics (the study of human language).
The Archaeological Process
Archaeologists learn about the human past by studying the materials people left behind. Those materials include artifacts and other physical traces of a past human presence on the landscape. Some of these traces may be visible on the surface of the ground; others are buried and require excavation or special detection methods to be observed and studied.
Documentation—in both the field and lab—is an essential part of the research process. Accurate, detailed recording of observations allows archaeologists to construct extensive data sets that can be examined, reexamined, and shared with others.

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“Learn About Archaeology” is available as a free app for iPad. Download app.archae (ancient) + logy (science)
Archaeology is the scientific study of the material remains of past human societies. It is one of four subfields of anthropology, or the study of humans. The other three are physical anthropology (the study of human evolution and biological diversity), cultural anthropology (the study of living cultures), and linguistics (the study of human language).