Lewis Borck

New Mexico Highlands University

Dr. Lewis Borck is an assistant professor at New Mexico Highlands University, a founding member of the Black Trowel Collective, and a founder for the non-profit The History Underground. He has worked at the Missouri University Research Reactor in the archaeometry group, as an Assistant Professor at the Universiteit Leiden, at the research and outreach nonprofit Archaeology Southwest, and at the University of Arizona. He is particularly interested in how social movements and contentious politics shaped religion and politics through time. He also studies how modern “common sense” norms and worldviews shape the histories and archaeologies we construct and recreate the histories and ideals of the “West” in the deep past. Lewis is interested in combining theories on decentralized social organization with archaeological, historical, and anthropological theories of historical change to create data-centered reinterpretations of periods often written off or ignored by scholars.