Debra L. Martin (Ph.D. University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1983) is the Barrick Distinguished Professor of Biological Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She has worked as a bioarchaeological consultant at Crow Canyon and continues work with and publish on these Crow Canyon data.
Deb has research interests in the areas of nonlethal violence and inequality, gender differences and disease, and the bioarchaeology of human experience with a focus on groups living in marginalized and challenging environments. She is the Editor for KIVA: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History as well as for the Bioarchaeology and Social Theory series, Springer, co-Editor of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, and an Associate Editor for the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology. Her recent publications include co-editing Bioarchaeology of Violence (UPF) and Bioarchaeological and Forensic Perspectives on Violence (Cambridge) as well as co-authoring Bioarchaeology, An Integrated Approach to Working with Human Remains and Bioarchaeology of Climate Change and Violence (Springer).