Research Photo Database
This database provides access to thousands of color images and replaces much of the functionality in our legacy multisite database. We include photographs that show the following:
- Site setting
- Aerial views
- Excavation in progress
- Architecture, including walls and floors
- Close-ups of features, such as hearths
- Stratigraphy
- Artifact assemblages on structure floors
- Individual artifacts, including whole pottery vessels
PLEASE READ: Non-commercial use is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). We will evaluate requests for other purposes to reproduce photographs on a case-by-case basis. Please direct all inquiries to the managing editor (managingeditor@crowcanyon.org).
Information provided for each photograph includes site number, description, and copyright status. For information on how to search the database, please see the help documents on how to search the database.

We include photos for the following projects:
Site Number | Site Name | Project Name |
5MT1541 | no name | |
5MT12086 | Woods Canyon Reservoir | Village Testing Project |
5MT4700 | 5MT4700 | Village Mapping Project |
5MT10647 | Dillard Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT765 | Sand Canyon Pueblo | Sand Canyon Archaeological Project |
5MT123 | Albert Porter Pueblo | Communities Through Time: Migration, Cooperation, and Conflict |
5MT5 | Yellow Jacket Pueblo | Village Testing Project |
5MT10684 | Dry Ridge Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10632 | Agatha Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10686 | Badger Den | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10687 | Sagebrush House Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10711 | Ridgeline Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10719 | 5MT10719 | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10726 | KK lot 5 | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT1825 | Castle Rock Pueblo | Sand Canyon Archaeological Project |
5MT11842 | Woods Canyon Pueblo | Village Testing Project |
5MT3807 | Shields Pueblo | Communities Through Time: Migration, Cooperation, and Conflict |
5MT12205 | Payne Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT2032 | Switchback Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10683 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10685 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT136 | Bass Ruin Complex | Village Mapping Project |
5MT10704 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10709 | Portulaca Point | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10627 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10631 | Mueller Little House | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10637 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10651 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10673 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10674 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10678 | 5MT10678 | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10718 | 5MT10718 | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT10721 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10730 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT10736 | TJ Smith Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT18596 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT18629 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT18632 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT19106 | Basketmaker Communities Project | |
5MT2037 | Pasquin Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT3875 | Shepherd Site | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT3890 | Windrow Ruin | Basketmaker Communities Project |
5MT3891 | Wheatfield Island | Basketmaker Communities Project |
Duckfoot Pueblo and sites that were investigated as part of the Goodman Point Archaeological Project are not included in Crow Canyon’s photo database.
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