Educational Resources

Browse our library of Education Products developed from over 40 years of collaborative research.

Webinars: Scarlet Macaws, Long-Distance Exchange, and Placemaking in the pre-Hispanic U.S. Southwest and Mexican Northwest
Exchange is a fundamental human behavior. While today, people rapidly exchange goods and information over great distances, in the past,...
Webinars: Hopi History at the Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster, Northeastern Arizona
The Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster comprises seven villages arrayed along a 20-mile stretch of the Little Colorado River. These villages were...
Webinars: “There’s more at stake than just my love life!”: The Impacts of Tribal Enrollment on Pueblo Women’s Reproductive Decisions
Studies of U.S. tribal enrollment practices have traditionally been the domain of legal scholars and anthropologists who approach these issues...
Webinars: NAGPRA Compliance and the Necessary Frictions of (Ir)reconciliation: Perspectives from One Multi-Positioned Practitioner
Sociocultural anthropologist Dr. Kathy Fine-Dare will examine NAGPRA compliance practices as they have been informed by sets of frictions and...
Webinars: Where are they now? Crow Canyon’s Internship Program
What do the Pueblo of Pojoaque, the National Renewable Energy Lab, Smith College, the Oberlin Heritage Center and the Chrysler...
Webinars: More than Warp and Weft; The Survival of Diné Textile Arts
Through many centuries, the Diné textile traditions have endured, and are a quintessential element, of Venancio’s and his people’s cultural...
Webinars: Loren Aragon – Fashion Designer & Multimedia Artist
Loren Aragon is a Native American fashion designer and multimedia artist from the Acoma Pueblo of New Mexico. Aragon was...
Educational Video Series: Mesa Verde National Park Curation Room Tour
Join Supervisory Museum Curator, Dr. Tara Travis, on a tour of the Mesa Verde National Park Museum curation room.
Lesson Plans Modules: Pueblo Farming Project eBook
The Pueblo Farming Project, or PFP, is an ongoing collaboration between the Hopi tribe and the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. The PFP examines...
Webinars: Crow Canyon Archaeological Center: Making History in the Mesa Verde Region
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center was established as a not-for-profit archaeological research and education institution in southwestern Colorado in 1983. The...
Webinars: How Prevalent Was Ancestral Pueblo Garden Hunting? A Test Using Stable Isotopes & Rabbit Remains
Garden hunting is the capture of animals from agricultural plots for food, and it is a specific subsistence practice where...

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