"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman
Table 1. Pottery Sherd Summary
by Ware and Type, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 2. Pottery Sherd Summary
by Ware and Form, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 3. White Ware Sherds
by Type and Finish, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 4. White Ware Sherd
Percentage by Type and Finish, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 5. Rim Sherds by Ware
and Type, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 6. Rim Sherds by Ware
and Form, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 7. Occupation Span
Estimates for Sites Investigated as Part of the Site Testing Program
Table 8. Occupation Span
Estimates for Tested Architectural Blocks, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 9. Decorated Bowl Rim
Sherds, Yellow Jacket Pueblo, Type and Attribute Counts
Table 10. Decorated Bowl
Rim Sherds, Yellow Jacket Pueblo, Type and Attribute Sample Sizes
Table 11. Pottery Type and
Attribute Counts, Calibration Dataset Components
Table 12. Pottery Type and
Attribute Sample Sizes, Calibration Dataset Components
Table 13. Bayesian Estimates
of Pottery Type and Attribute Proportions by Phase, Calculated From the
Calibration Dataset
Table 14. Weighted Phase
Probabilities for Pottery Types and Attributes, Calculated From the Calibration
Table 15. Summary of Bayesian
Probability Density Analysis, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 16. Posterior Probability
Distributions for Calibration Dataset Sites
Table 17. Occupational Histories
of Architectural Blocks, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 18. Modified and Shaped
Sherds by Pottery Type, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 19. Modified and Shaped
Sherds by Ware and Form, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 20. Pottery Vessel
Analysis Data, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 21. Provenience and
Archaeological Context of Pottery Vessels, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 22. Direct Evidence
of Pottery Production, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 23. Evidence of Pottery
Production by Architectural Block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 24. Temper Analysis
Data, White Ware Bowl Rims, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 25. Temper Analysis
Data, Corrugated Gray Jar Rims, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 26. Correlations Among
Vessel Size, Temper Source, and Time Group, for Corrugated Gray Vessels,
Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 27. Imported Pottery
by Architectural Block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 28. Counts of Chipped-Stone
Tools and Manufacturing Debris by Raw Material, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 29. Percentages of
Chipped-Stone Tools and Manufacturing Debris by Raw Material, Yellow Jacket
Table 30. Percentages of
Chipped-Stone Tools and Manufacturing Debris by Artifact Category, Yellow
Jacket Pueblo
Table 31. Projectile Point
Data, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 32. Biface Data, Yellow
Jacket Pueblo
Table 33. Bifaces and Projectile
Points by Type and Raw Material, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 34. Bifaces and Projectile
Points by Raw Material and Production Stage, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 35. Mass Analysis of
Chipped-Stone Debris, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 36. Chipped-Stone Debris
in Heavy Fractions of Flotation Samples, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 37. Counts and Weights
of Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material and Context Group, Yellow Jacket
Table 38. Percentages of
Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material and Context Group, Yellow Jacket
Table 39. Nonflaked Lithic
Artifacts by Raw Material, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 40. Unusual Stone Objects
Associated With the Floor of Structure 1201, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 41. Summary of Bone
Tools, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 42. Bone Tools by Context
Group, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 43. Objects of Personal
Adornment, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 44. Objects of Personal
Adornment by Raw Material and Context Group, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 45. Nonlocal Artifact
Densities in Southwestern Colorado Community Centers
Table 46. Counts of Common
Artifacts by Architectural Block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 47. Percentages of
Common Artifacts by Architectural Block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo "Faunal Remains," by Robert J. Muir and
Jonathan C. Driver
Table 1. Frequency of Identified
Faunal Remains by Class, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 2. Frequency of Mammalian
(Mammalia) Taxa, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 3. Frequency of Bird (Aves)
Taxa, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 4. Frequency of Fish (Osteichthyes)
and Reptile (Reptilia) Taxa, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 5. Frequency of Weathering
Among Faunal Remains, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 6. Evidence of Cultural
Modification of Faunal Remains, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 7. Evidence of Carnivore
Modification of Faunal Remains, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 8. Frequency of Complete
and Fragmented Major Long Bones Among Selected Faunal Taxa, Yellow Jacket
Table 9. NISP Counts by Skeletal
Region for Common Faunal Taxa, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 10. NISP Counts for All
Faunal Taxa by Architectural Block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 11. Frequency of Major
Faunal Taxa from Each Architectural Block, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 12. Frequency of Major
Faunal Taxa from Selected Pueblo III Sites in the Central Mesa Verde Region
"Archaeobotanical Remains," by
Shawn S. Murray and Nicole D. Jackman-Craig
Table 1. Distribution
and Contexts of Analyzed Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, Yellow Jacket
Table 2. List of Plant
Taxa and Parts in Charred and Uncharred Condition in Flotation and Macrofossil
Samples, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 3. Presence
of Charred and Uncharred Plant Parts, by Sample Type, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 4. Presence
of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples,
Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 5. Presence
of Wood Charcoal and Selected Charred Zea mays Parts in Flotation
and Macrofossil Samples from Roof Fall and Wall Fall, Hearths and Pit
Features, and Middens, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 6. Presence
of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples
from Selected Contexts with Primary and De Facto Refuse, Yellow Jacket
Table 7. Presence
of Wood Charcoal and Selected Charred Zea mays Parts in Flotation
and Macrofossil Samples from Selected Contexts with Primary and De Facto
Refuse, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 8. Presence
of Charred Plant Remains in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples from Roof
Fall and Wall Fall, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 9. Presence
of Charred Plant Remains in Flotation Samples from Late Pueblo II and
Late Pueblo III Contexts, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
"Human Skeletal Remains," by Cynthia
S. Bradley
Table 1. Biological Data
for Human Remains Occurrences 15, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 2. Isolated Human
Bone and Human Remains Occurrence 6, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 3. Representation
of Human Skeletal Remains, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 4. Completeness
of Human Skeletal Elements, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 5. Age, Sex, and
Minimum Number of Individuals, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 6. Intersite Demographic
Table 7. Indicators of
Physiological Stress and Evidence of Skeletal Damage, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 8. Summary of Occurrence
of Dental Enamel Hypoplasia, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
Table 9. Individuals with
Dental Enamel Hypoplasis Affecting the Anterior Permanent Teeth, Yellow
Jacket Pueblo